Cyber Security


Strong and diverse cyber capabilities

iXero provides complete monitoring, protection, response, insurance, and education combined with an effective and unique insider threat program to give you the best possible cyber security.




Cyber Protection

iXero fields globally recognized and certified experts who employ industry-leading technologies for rapid threat detection, identification, and response. We conduct 100% end-point testing without disrupting operations; provide a comprehensive insider threat and data protection platform for complete data visibility, control and loss prevention; and provide active and adaptive password management.

Our personnel are executive consultants to corporate and world leaders and provide leadership orientation, guidance, and mentorship; corporate or national cyber strategy and program development; and security assessments to meet corporate risk management, insurance underwriting, and regulatory compliance requirements.


Cyber Response

In addition to active protection, iXero provides robust response and recovery services to meet evolving threats. Our constant, low profile active threat monitoring and threat hunting prevent security incidents from becoming costly data breaches. We also provide leading cyber support for investigation, prosecution, remediation, and response. Also look to iXero for strategic communications and public relations, process improvements and policy modifications; staff adjustments; and hardware and software solutions.


Cyber Education

iXero offers myriad educational programs to create and maintain an organization’s culture of cyber resiliency. We provide education for every level within an organization using flexible implementation (online and in-person) for entities of every size, type, and location.


Mobile Security

iXero implements industry-leading tools and technologies for enterprise application and device management in the “Bring Your Own Device” era of enterprise mobility. And we provide enterprise-grade security and management for mobile apps and data.


Penetration Tests

iXero are experts in Penetration Testing for internal networks, external networks,Wi-Fi networks, and web applications. We also train your staff against social engineering for cyber-attack.


The iXero Insider Threat Program

An insider threat is the risk that an insiderwill use their authorized access, knowingly or unknowingly, to do harm to their organization. This can include theft of proprietary information and technology; damage to organizational facilities, systems or equipment; actual or threatened harm to employees; compromise of classified, export-controlled, or proprietary information; or other actions that would prevent the organization from carrying out its normal business practices.

iXero’s insider threat programs will deter employees from becoming insider threats; detect insiders who pose a risk to proprietary or protected information; and mitigate the risks through administrative, investigative or other response actions.

iXero assists in building an insider threat analytic and response capability, developing policy and procedures for insider threat response actions, establishing the ability to monitor network user activity on all networks to detect activity indicative of insider threat behaviors, and providing insider threat awareness training.